

The Tabarbour Neighborhood II is a DIP urban development housing project, for the middle and limited income.  The site plan consisting of housing, recreational, civic, work, and community education activities are placed to form a complete urban neighborhood.

This study identify a comprehensive plan, setting goals, conditions, trends, and describing a vision for the physical character of the neighborhood community and outline its planning guidelines and typology. It provides a Land-use layouts that show general distribution and parceling, with a hierarchy for pedestrian, vehicular and roads system streetscape, and hike paths. It will outline the characteristics for land uses and urban forms, density, heights restrictions, setbacks, easements, and other regulatory planning to reinforce the image of the community.

Design Criteria:  The layout’s image is reminiscent of an eastern Mediterranean mixed neighborhood, a village like atmosphere blended contextually to set a prototype for a better change while keeping some rooted traditional habitat character of Amman. The built form is set hierarchal along a central spine “ the Tabarbour lane where the single detached houses are placed at the extreme high western edge, overlooking the whole community, and as the road descent towards the middle and eastern edge of the boundary limit, the urban density will increase, where row houses, courtyard apartment, low rise apartments then mid-rise and mixed-use development planned sequentially. The vegetative barriers and urban density mix together mediate between different housing typologies and land uses, such as the private, semi-private and the public domains for the neighborhood. The Plan is set along five view corridors, running north east and across south west direction, directed towards important contextual vistas and scenic views i.e. the green valley, and dense populated communities in the opposite southern hills. The intersection of this primary and secondary axis will form piazzas, focal points and nodes, green open spaces, and vegetative barriers bringing forward rich layers and blended urban fabric.

Landscaped: Landscape intervention will be a dilebrate planning strategy to enhance the pre-conceived stigma to the physical image attributed to limited income neighborhood. The main collector road “ Tabrbour lane” is landscaped with side strips of traditional Quercus and olive trees that are likely to require less water. The streets are planned with alternating mid height light-poles with one-sided street parking, giving it a residential feeling. Other streets or drives mainly the Hillside North and Hillside South, are narrower streets, its streetscape is planned differently with no street parking, and another types of comparable but regional trees to differentiate its character and strengthen the sense of place. The landscape and the streetscape should mark as starting point to soften and filter the natural contextual setting. Landscape, sidewalks along the streetscape in the central Town Square plan is more of an urban character, benches, covered overhangs, signage, receptacles and decorative trees will be planned along the central loop road “the Tabarbour Boulevard” addressing this high density community, as the focal point of Tabarbour Neighborhood.



The City Center for the New Juba, with a new vision for The Government of South Sudan toward All kinds of Ministries including the Defense, Financial, Interior, and external affairs, the municipal Government building departments and central authorities, the Parliament Building, Central Bank and other related authorities.  Among the distant nodes the urban plan covers the Housing Typologies, its amenities, exhibition spaces, mixed use centers and the Presidential Palace.

The New Juba Architectural Vision is a cluster of Urban Neighborhood that embodies the spirit of working, living, learning and entertaining. A simplified sustainable design approach to meet contextual and climatic constraints, transforming the built environment into” Tomorrow’s Future Capital.”

ATA has created prototypes of architectural vision based on major urban theme created by the city planner team from ATA and other field consultants.

Project Date


Urban Design Studies

Concept Design Studies For:


Presidential Palace

Business District Headquarters

Water From Recreation

Waterfront Housing Mix Concepts.